Hypernova THC Oil – By: Emprise

Dominance: THC
Emprise’s Hypernova THC Oil delivers a 29 mg/g THC-dominant product in oil-soluble format. The product is formulated with coconut oil and is to be taken sublingually (under the tongue) or added to edibles.
Each bottle contains 30 ml (28.5 g) of THC Oil (826 mg THC). A syringe with 0.3 ml capacity is also included. One syringe dose delivers 8.3 mg THC.
With each Emprise THC Oil is recommended to start low 0.5mg THC per 10lbs of body weight.
Format : 30ml - 900mg THC Total
Medical allotment deduction: 0.41G
39.95 $ CAD
Coming soon
THC: 29mg/ml
CBD: <2mg/ml